Journal papers
- Uemoto K, Mori F, Yamauchi S, Kubota A, Takahashi N, Egashira H, Kunimoto Y, Araki T, Takemiya A, Ito H, Endo M
Root PRR7 improves the accuracy of the shoot circadian clock through nutrient transport
Plant Cell Physiology 64, 352–362, (2023)
- Yamada Y, Ito H, Maeda S
Artificial temperature-compensated biological clock using temperature-sensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky gels
Scientifc Reports 12 22436 (2022)
- Waditee SR, Ito H, Kageyama H
Global transcriptional and circadian regulation in a halotolerant cyanobacterium Halothece sp. PCC7418
Scientific Reports 12, 13190 (2022)
- Amikura K, Ito H, & Kitazawa MS
Discovery of spatial pattern of prickles on stem of Rosa hybrida ‘Red Queen’and mathematical model of the pattern
Scientific Reports 11, 13857 (2021)
- Tsuchiya Y, Umemura Y, Minami Y, Koike N, Hosokawa T, Hara M, Ito H, Inokawa H, Yagita K
Effect of Multiple Clock Gene Ablations on the Circadian Period-Length and Temperature Compensation in Mammalian Cells
Journal of Biological Rhythms 31, 48-56 (2016)
- Kawasaki Y, Ito H*, Kajimura H. (*corresponding author)
Equilibrium frequency of endosymbionts in multiple infections based on the balance between vertical transmission and cytoplasmic incompatibility
PLoS ONE 9, e94900 (2014)
- Lu Y, Nishio K, Matsuda S, Toshima Y, Ito H, Konno T, Ishihara K, Kato S, Hashimoto K, Nakanishi S
Regulation of the cyanobacterial circadian clock by electrochemically-controlled extracellular electron transfer
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 126, 2240-2241 (2014)
- Nakajima M*, Ito H*, Kondo T.(*Equally contributed)
In vitro regulation of circadian phosphorylation rhythm of cyanobacterial clock protein KaiC by KaiA and KaiB
FEBS Letters 584, 898-902 (2010)
- Ito H*, Mutsuda M, Murayama Y, Tomita J, Hosokawa N, Terauchi K, Sugita C, Sugita M, Kondo T, Iwasaki H*. (*Equally contributed)
Cyanobacterial daily life with Kai-based circadian and diurnal genome-wide transcriptional control in Synechococcus elongatus.
Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences 106, 14168-14173 (2009)
- Nakajima M, Imai K, Ito H, Nishiwaki T, Murayama Y, Iwasaki H, Oyama T, Kondo T.
Reconstitution of circadian oscillation of cyanobacterial KaiC phosphorylation in vitro
Science 308, 414-5 (2005)
Books †
Review †
- 杉拓磨 伊藤浩史 永井健
生物物理 60, 6-12 (2020)
- 杉拓磨 伊藤浩史 永井健
動物はどのように秩序だった群れをつくるのか? – アクティブマターの物理で迫る、線虫の群れ形成メカニズム
アカデミストジャーナル (2019)
- 村山依子 伊藤浩史
体内時計はひやすとブランコになる – 物理学が明らかにする体内時計のとまりかた
アカデミストジャーナル (2017)
Non-research articles †
Very old articles †