NAME: RocSampler (Regularizing overlapping protein complexes) predicts protein complexes from weighted protein-protein interactions. SYNOPSIS: RocSampler inputFile outputFile OPTIONS inputFile Specify a file of protein-protein interactions (PPIs) with thier weights. Each line of the file should contain two protein IDs and the corresponding to the interaction weights, which are tab-deliminated. PPIs without weights are also accepted. In this case, the weight of a PPI is set to be 1. outputFile Specify an output file name which RocSampler makes. Each line of the output file corresponds a predicted cluster. OPTIONS --ppi.norm Determine whether PPI weights are normalized or not. should be either 1 (default) or 0. --repeat-count Set the repeat count of updating a set of clusters to be . The default value is 10,000,000. --cluster.num.max Set the upper bound of the size of a set of predicted clusters to be . The default value is 1,000. --cluster.num.init Set the number of clusters in an initial set of predicted clusters to be . The default value is 1. --temp.init Set the value of an initial temperature to be The default value is 1. --temp.init.repeat-count RocSampler initially executes Metropolis-Hastings updates during iterations with a specified initial temperature. The default value is 0.2. --temp.multiplier After initial Metropolis-Hastings updates, the value of temperature is reduced from the previous one by multiplying it by . The default value is 0.999999. --protein.multiplicity Set the upper bound of the multiplicity of a protein to be . The default value is 2. --term.clu-den.alpha Set the exponent of the denominator of term, h_clu-den, to be . The default value is 0.5. --term.clu-size Determine whether term, h_clu-size, is set to be on or off. is either 1 (default) or 0. --term.clu-size.const This parameter corresponds to the number of 1,000,000 of the default setting of the coefficient of term, h_clu-size,s, in Table 1 of our paper. The default value is trivially 1,000,000. --term.clu-size.gamma Set the value of gamma of term, h_clu-size,s, to be . The default value is 2. Determine whether term, h_pro-num, is set to be on or off. is either 1 (default) or 0. Set the target number of proteins within clusters, which is used in term, h_pro-num, to be . The default value is 2000. Set coefficient, c_pro-num, to be . The default value is 0.005. --term.clu-dis Determine whether term, h_clu-dis, is set to be on or off. is either 1 (default) or 0. --term.clu-dis.beta Set the value of beta of term, h_clu-dis, to be . The default value is 0.4. --coef.clu-dis Set coefficient, c_clu-dis, to be . The default value is 10. --term.clu-num Determine whether term, h_clu-num, is set to be on or off. is either 1 (default) or 0. Set the target number of clusters, which is used in term, h_clu-num, to be . The default value is 400. --coef.clu-num Set coefficient, c_clu-num, to be . The default value is 0.005. --term.over-num Determine whether term, h_over-num, is set to be on or off. is either 1 (default) or 0. --coef.over-num Set coefficient, c_over-num, to be . The default value is 0.005. --term.clu-int Determine whether term, h_clu-int, is set to be on or off. is either 1 (default) or 0. --coef.clu-int Set coefficient, c_clu-int, to be . The default value is 0.01. --proposal.alphaac Set probability, alpha_ac, to be . The default value is 0.25. --proposal.alphaap Set probability, alpha_ap, to be . The default value is 0.25. --proposal.alpharc Set probability, alpha_rc, to be . The default value is 0.25. --score.plot Determine wheter a graph of all score values during iterations is drawn or not. is either 1 (default) or 0. --score.verbose Determine whether a verbose mode, in which the current term scores are displayed, or not. is either 0 (default) or 1. EXAMPLE: See file, How-to-use.txt.