Prof. Osamu MARUYAMA
Contact information:

Faculty of Design, Kyushu University

4-9-1 Shiobaru, Minami Ward, Fukuoka, Fukuoka Prefecture 815-0032, Japan

Email: maruyama at design dot kyushu-u dot ac dot jp

Office: 604, 5th building, the Ohashi campus, Kyushu University

Research Summary:

Research in the group focuses on modeling biological data, designing feature and scoring functions, and applying Bayesian inference and statistical machine learning techniques to mine these data and extract patterns of biological significance. Research projects combine tackling modeling and theoretic problems and analyzing real data with biological collaborators. Example projects includes:

l  Bayesian inference slides: Summer school 2019 of Human science international course in the Graduate school of design, Kyushu University

l  Collapsed Gibbs sampling algorithm to infer binding sites of E3 ubiquitin ligases (E3s)

l  Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms to predict protein complexes from protein-protein interaction networks

l  Mechanism of maintenance DNA methylation: How specific property of each cell-type is maintained through cell divisions
This film was produced by Yujin FUKUSHIMA (福嶋友人), a past member of our lab in collaboration with Sasaki lab 佐々木研究室 (Devision of Epigenomics and Development, Department of Molecular and Structural Biology, Medical Institute of Bioregulartion, Kyushu University).



List of Papers

Osamu Maruyama - Google Scholar Citations




