Ohashi Campus, Kyushu University
Research Topics
Welcome to the webpage of the Perceptual Psychology Laboratory at Kyushu University’s Ohashi campus. Here we study a variety of topics related to the auditory modality (e.g., auditory illusions, speech perception, music perception), the visual modality (e.g., visual illusions, motion perception), and multimodal integration (e.g., synesthesia, visual passwords, the influence of sound on visual perception or vice versa). We use psychophysical research methods when performing experiments and can combine this with brain research (EEG). Research is done either in English or Japanese
Students interested in doing a PhD at the Perceptual Psychology Laboratory can contact us any time with a short research proposal.
Contact person
Dr. Gerard B. Remijn, Associate Professor (ジェラード・レメイン /re'meɪn/)
Faculty of Design, Dept. of Acoustic Design /
Research Center for Applied Perceptual Science,
Kyushu University