A Study of the Buddhist Stone Reliefs of Mt. Hiko and the Influence of Shugendo in the Kyushu Region


ボストン大学の学術雑誌Religion and the Artsに、英彦山修験道に関する論文が掲載されました。以下の、オランダのブリル出版社の電子書籍販売サイトからダウンロードするようになっています。アブストラクトを掲載しておきます。http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/10.1163/15685292-02104001


A Study of the Buddhist Stone Reliefsof Mt. Hiko and the Influence of Shugendo in the Kyushu Region

Mikako Tomotari
Kyushu University

Shugendo, which prospered during Japan’s Middle Ages, valued ascetic practices and fused mountain worship with Taoism, Shinto, Buddhism, Animism, astronomy, and medicine. However, since it was transmitted via oral tradition from one generation to the next, limited evidence can be found. Therefore, this essay analyzes 3d imaging data of stone reliefs found at Mt. Hiko, located in the Kyushu region of Japan, to discern whether the carvings depict certain deities and how the Sanskrit characters found in the moon circles represent Shugendo thinking. In addition, it examines how the influence of Shugendo art spread throughout the Kyushu region, Kiyomizu (Kagoshima Prefecture), and Aoki (Kumamoto Prefecture) as well as reassesses its cultural significance. With regard to the former, the results show that a relief of a seate Amitabha was engraved between two other deities: the Mahaasthaamapraapta and Avalokite?vara. Concerning the latter, the findings reveal that these were the locations of Amitabha worship by the esoteric Tendai sect, which revered “the water” (rivers) and represented an association among Mt. Hiko, Kumano, and Aoki

Shugendo – 3d – sculpture – Mt. Hiko – Japan



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