
| 2023-2024 | 2022-2023 | 2021-2022 | 2020-2021 | 2019-2020 | 2018-2019 | 2017-2018 | 2016-2017 | 2015-2016 | 2012-2013 | 2011-2012 |

ZHANG Yixin 張 一新 (Doctoral Thesis)
Acoustic Features of English Phonemes Obtained with Multivariate Analyses.

竹内 杏奈 TAKEUCHI Anna (Master’s Thesis)
「ASMR (自律感覚絶頂反応)の特徴及び瞳孔拡張反応との関連」
Characteristics of the Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) and its Relation to Pupil Dilation.

髙橋 力斗 TAKAHASHI Rikito (Master’s Thesis)
Research on Wind Speed Perception Using Audio-Tactile Stimuli.

董 玉萱 DONG Yuxuan (Master’s Thesis)
The Effects of Sound Duration on the Timbre Recognition of Musical Instruments.

米田 優一 YONEDA Yuichi (Bachelor’s Thesis)
The Relation Between the Perception of Groove and Temporal Envelope of Musical Tones in Rhythmical Music.

髙瀨 雅 TAKASE Miyabi (Bachelor’s Thesis)
Research on the Audiovisual Stroop Effect Using Music Scores, Letters and Piano Tones.

埋橋悠奈 UZUHASHI Yuna (Bachelor’s Thesis)
「音声理解に必要な時間分解能に関する研究 − 日本語単語の親密度がモザイク音声の明瞭度に与える影響 –」
A Study of the Temporal Resolution Required to Understand Speech: Comparison of Japanese Mosaic Speech Intelligibility for Familiar and Unfamiliar Words.

⼤⼾ 貴美⼦ NEGI Kimiko (Master’s Thesis)
「強調⾳声聴取時の主観的印象と明瞭度分析 -健聴者および⾼齢者実験を通して-」
Analysis of Enhanced Speech Quality and Intelligibility: Experiments with Normal-Hearing and Elderly People.

川口 智史 KAWAGUCHI Tomofumi (Master’s Thesis)
「英語の第二言語習得に母語の韻律が与える影響 -日本語,中国語母語話者間の比較検討-」
The influence of Mother Tongue Meter on the Acquisition of English as a Second Language: Comparative Study among Native Japanese and Native Chinese Speakers.

劉 暁桐 LIU Xiaotong (Master’s Thesis)
Research on Sound-Color Perception in Japanese and Chinese Nationals.

谷垣 茉奈 TANIGAKI Mana (Bachelor’s Thesis)
Intelligibility of Mosaic Speech and Listening Effort as Investigated with Pupillometry.

髙橋 ⿓⼆ TAKAHASHI Ryuji (Bachelor’s Thesis)
The Influence of Inter-Stimulus Interval Duration on the Use of Summary Statistics in Auditory Perception.

LIU Shimeng 劉 詩濛 (Doctoral Thesis)
Influences of Pause Duration on Impressions of English Speech: Comparison Between Native and Non-Native Speakers. 「ポーズ時間長が英語音声の印象にもたらす影響:母語話者と非母語話者の比較」

荒井 優杜 ARAI Yuto (Master’s Thesis)
「管楽器の音色の評価に視覚情報が与える影響 -音と明るさ・色相の連関-」
The Effect of Visual Information on the Evaluation of Wind Instrument Timbre - Associations of Sound with Brightness and Hue.

張 献文 ZHANG Xianwen (Master’s Thesis)
Research on Immersive Factors in Online Museum Video Exhibition Viewing.

高 歌 GAO Ge (Master’s Thesis)
The Effect of Sound Durations on Arousal and Valence in Sound.

李 茂嬌 LI Maojiao (Master’s Thesis)
Research on the Framing Effect in the Ponzo Illusion.

竹内 杏奈 TAKEUCHI Anna (Bachelor’s Thesis)
Characteristics of Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) as Investigated with Sound Pupillometry.

寺町 正樹 TERAMACHI Masaki (Bachelor’s Thesis)
The Use of Summary Statistics in Pitch Perception by Absolute Pitch Possessors and Non-Absolute Pitch Possessors.

上野 莉果 UENO Rika (Bachelor’s Thesis)
A Meta-Analysis of Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) Related to Sound Duration.

POSTNOVA Natalia (Doctoral Thesis)
Perceived (In)congruency of Audiovisual Stimuli Consisting of Gabor Patches and AM- and FM-tones.
(Supported by MEXT)

SANTI (Doctoral Thesis)
Intelligibility of English mosaic speech: Influence of Manipulating Mosaic Block Duration.

山﨑 祐 YAMASAKI Tasuku (Master’s Thesis)
A Study on the Frequency Characteristics of the Split-off Effect.

林 明霽 LIN Mingji (Master’s Thesis)
The Influence of Comma- and Period-Pause Duration on the Listener’s Impression of Speeches Made in Mandarin Chinese.

張 艨 ZHANG Meng (Master’s Thesis)
Research about the Role of Time in Summary Statistics in Visual Perception.

宮本 聡人 MIYAMOTO Akito (Bachelor’s Thesis)
Research on The Audiovisual Bounce-Inducing Effect (ABE)in An Oddball Paradigm.

長倉 知哉 NAGAKURA Tomoya (Bachelor’s Thesis)
The Effect of Spectral Manipulation of Non-Individualized Head-Related Transfer Functions on Elevation Perception.

一木 隆宏 ICHIKI Takahiro (Bachelor’s Thesis)
The Relation Between the Perception of the Middle Tone in the Split-off Effect and ERP Components.

大戸 貴美子 NEGI Kimiko (Bachelor’s Thesis, 21st Century Program Kyushu University)
「親しい話者からの音声知覚における 言語間の学習効果の差異について」
Effects of Familiarity Benefit and Cross-language Voice Training on Speech Perception.

PAULUS Yesaya Tommy (Doctoral Thesis)
Research on Eye-gaze-based Input for Visual Password Authentication.
(Supported by LPDP – Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education / DIKTI)

CABRAL, João Paulo (Doctoral Thesis)
Auditory Icons: Research on their Design and Physical Characteristics.
(Supported by Kyushu University / JASSO – Japan Student Services Organization)

山下 英吾 YAMASHITA Eigo (Master’s Thesis)
Audiovisual Stroop Task between Music Notation, Syllables, and Pitch with Listeners with and without Absolute Pitch.

八木 美紀 YAGI Minori (Master’s Thesis)
「楽譜、ピアノ音、文字を用いた 視聴覚ストループ効果について」
Music Scores, Piano Tones and Letters: A Study on the Audiovisual Stroop Effect.

堀内 千広 HORIUCHI Chihiro (Bachelor’s Thesis)
The Effect of Reverberation on Auditory Distance Perception of Speech in Different Modes.

荒井 優杜 ARAI Yuto (Bachelor’s Thesis)
The Effect of Visual Information on the Evaluation of Wind Instrument Timbre.

外城 美紀 HOKAJO Miki (Master’s Thesis)
Categorization of Synesthetic Color Impressions in Response to Hearing Individual Speech Syllables.

中山 利周 NAKAYAMA Toshichika (Master’s Thesis)
A Study on the Perceptual Impressions and Acoustic Parameters of Announcers’ Voices.

大矢 淳貴 OYA Junki (Master’s Thesis)
Perception of Loudness of Speech in Different Modes.

小金丸 沙恵 KOGANEMARU Sae (Bachelor’s Thesis)
A Study on Pitch Class-Color in Japanese Chromesthetes and Non-Chromesthetes.

山﨑 祐 YAMASAKI Tasuku (Bachelor’s Thesis)
The Effect of Musical Tuning Frequency on Listening Impression.

李 杭菀 LI Hangyu (Research Student Project)
Research on Factors Influencing the Ponzo Illusion.

KORSHUNOVA Victoria (Aalto University / Exchange Student Project)
The Impact of Sound Systems on the Perception of Cinematic Content in Immersive Audiovisual Productions.
(Supported by Kyushu University Friendship scholarship)

小野 明日香 ONO Asuka (Master’s Thesis)
Research on the Speech to Song Illusion and Pitch Accent in Japanese.

矢野 弘晃 YANO Hiroaki (Master’s Thesis)
「“Polka dance”刺激を用いた多義的視運動刺激の知覚について」
Multi-stable Motion Perception in the “Polka dance” Stimulus.

神笠 碧 KAMIGASA Midori (Bachelor Thesis)
 A Study on Gap Detection in Frequency Glides.

山下英吾 YAMASHITA Eigo (Bachelor Thesis)
A Study on the Characteristics of Pitch Perception in Listeners with and without Absolute Pitch.

八木 美紀 YAGI Minori (Bachelor Thesis)
A Study on Sensing the Color of Music in Japanese Chromesthetes and Non-Chromesthetes.

外城 美紀 HOKAJO Miki (Bachelor Thesis)
A case Study on Synesthesia: Is there a connection between Japanese hiragana-katakana articulation categories and color grouping?.

中山 利周 NAKAYAMA Toshichika (Bachelor Thesis)
A Study on “Warmth” as a Characteristics of Broadcasting Voices.

大矢 淳貴 OYA Junki (Bachelor Thesis)
Physical Level and Perceived Loudness of Vowels Spoken in Three Different Speech Modes.

樋口 正典 HIGUCHI ("John") Masanori (Bachelor Thesis)
Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) in Response to Emotion in Normal and Whispered Speech.

小野 明日香 ONO Asuka (Bachelor Thesis)
「日本語における歌化錯覚について」 The Speech to Song Illusion in Japanese.

矢野 弘晃 YANO Hiroaki (Bachelor Thesis)
「’Polka dance’刺激による視覚的運動とその分類における音の影響」
The Influence of Sound on Visual Motion and Grouping in the ‘Polka dance’ Stimulus.

菊池 貴志 KIKUCHI Takashi (Bachelor Thesis)
A Study of the Mismatch Negativity in the Perception of Whisper.

成 英枝 SEI Hanae (Bachelor Thesis)
ERP Measurements and Rating Scale Judgments of Normal and Whispered Speech.