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Theme of recent projects

  1. Human adaptation to assistive technology
  2. A proposal for a universal design for household appliances and small electrical devices from the viewpoints of human motion.
  3. Characteristics of thumb and fingers movements during operation of small digital devices
  4. A strategy in preventing falls at homes for the Elderly.
  5. The development and assessment of the measuring system for muscle cross-sectional images for the Elderly and individuals with physical disabilities using ultrasound. (In collaboration with Dr. Fukuda)
  6. The assessment of muscle fatigue and strength by muscle tightness using new ultrasound technique. (In collaboration with Dr. Fukuda)
  7. Characteristics of walking motion on flat surfaces and stairs for the elderly
  8. The relationship between volume and balance of the muscles in the legs and walking motion in the elderly
  9. The home environment for maintaining muscle mass and strength in the legs
  10. A strategy for maintaining physical fitness in the elderly and wheelchair users.
  11. The investigation of wheelchair pushing techniques for wheelchair riding comfort.