Envisioning the Future of Design
Kyushu University, Graduate School of Design, has successfully organized our second Winter School Program from November 5 to 12, 2023. We have invited 16 participants from 11 universities (Bandung Institute of Technology, Jadavpur University, National Taiwan Normal University, Rangsit University, Royal University of Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University, Silpakorn University, University of Cologne, University of Lapland, University of the Philippines Los Baños and University of Taipei) from 8 countries (Cambodia, Finland, Germany, Indonesia, India, Philippines, Taiwan, and Thailand). This program is sponsored by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) and Kyushu University.
This program provided opportunities for overseas students to glimpse into our new Graduate School of Design program launched last year, with a curriculum designed to enable individual design fields to be cross-integrated more than ever before. It also provided participants with the experience of studying at our graduate school, interacting with local and international students, and experiencing the Japanese culture and working culture.
The participants gained insights into the different disciplines through laboratory sessions for an in-depth understanding of the research work of the faculty member, a campus tour to be awe by our advanced and varied research facilities, a doctoral colloquium, a final presentation by the participants, a company visit to TOTO Ltd and a cultural tour of Karatsu City. You can refer to the program through the attach file.
For the campus tour, participants visited our Acoustics Research Center, which houses the anechoic room, reverberation rooms, and recording studios, rare in acoustic laboratories. The Research Center for Human Environmental Adaptation with nine environmental chambers for controlling air pressure, temperature, air humidity, illumination, light color, and water pressure over various settings to evaluate human environmental adaptability and clarify the conditions required for healthy and comfortable living environments. The Experimental House for Living Space Design, where simulation of residential living environments, such as rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, toilets, and stairways, occurs to observe and analyze human behaviors and activities in real-life settings. The Design Workshop with various tools, machines, and advanced digital tools that the students and faculty members can use to produce their designs for creative endeavors, such as graduation work, projects, and research-related works. Also, our newly renovated Design Library.
For the lab sessions, the participants learnt various knowledge and technology depending on the research areas of the professors that they are attached to. Some of the activities include on-site learning at the Kyushu University Museum, Daizuful Tenmagu, elementary school and junior high school in Nokonoshima, being involved in design research and social creativity workshop, learning image creation with AI, using a 3D laser scanner and VR to scan and archive architecture data, experimenting with electromyography sensors, etc.
In the final presentation, the participants shared that the lectures, lab sessions, and campus tour have broadened their knowledge and perspectives in their fields and outside their disciplines to see new possibilities. It was thought-provoking and exciting for them. Also, they are grateful to our students, who showed hospitality when they fetched the participants from the airport and guided them in moving around Fukuoka and lab sessions, sharing Japanese culture and food, and singing together at the Karaoke! The program concluded with a farewell party where everyone reminisced about the past week and forged new friendships.