Department of Design, School of Design Design Futures Course


Learning to explore a desirable future and designing a "mechanism" to realize it.

In this age, when there is a shift to a sustainable ecosystem and a diverse and prosperous society, there are growing expectations for designers who can solve social issues with out-of-the-box thinking and creativity.

In the Design Futures Course, students will engage in comprehensive studies to grasp the essence of social issues and envision a desirable future. Through a unique curriculum that integrates three fields, Art and Design, Social Futures, and Biology and Information Science, students will learn how to grasp issues from multiple perspectives and derive solutions and cultivate the ability to pioneer a new era.

In the midst of unprecedented changes, this is where you will be challenged to imagine, explore, and realize the future society that you really want to see come true. That is the Design Futures Course.


Fields of Study

  • Art and Design

    Develop a vision for the future with rich sensibilities and ideas, and acquire knowledge and skills to realize it

  • Social Futures

    Learn theories and methods for understanding the environment, society, and humankind to envision a desirable future

  • Biology and Information Science

    Learn how to understand natural and social phenomena from a mathematical science perspective and the mechanisms behind the phenomena of life

  • 1 st year

    Acquire basic knowledge to forge new design fields

    Through KIKAN Education Subjects, students will acquire the following abilities. (1) The ability to identify problems on their own and tackle them creatively and critically. (2) The ability to interchange diverse knowledge and solve problems collaboratively. (3) The ability to communicate and absorb information effectively by interacting with the world at large through expressing themselves in writing, presenting and engaging in discussions. Through Science Discipline Subjects, students will gain an understanding of various concepts in mathematical and information sciences and acquire the intellectual ability to explain natural science and social phenomena based on these theories. In the Design Literacy Subjects, students will learn about specific knowledge, concepts, ideas, and methods of design that serve as the foundation for design.

  • 2 nd year

    In order to envision what society will be like in the near future, acquire knowledge of the history and theory of art, technology, and thought

    By taking subjects unique to this course, which consist of the three fields of Art and Design, Social Futures, and Biology and Information Science, students will be able to understand and explain the following.
    (1) Theory, philosophy, and history of Art and Design, as well as various expressive techniques and their effects.
    (2) Diversity, sustainability and social research methods necessary to envision a desirable future society.
    (3) Basic concepts and design methods of algorithms and data structures, important concepts and theories in information science.
    (4) Observations and experiments from the perspective of the commonality and diversity of life phenomena and evolution.

  • 3 rd year

    Exposure to new knowledge and experience in specialized field

    Students will be able to participate in cutting-edge design activities in the world by learning specialized fields in English to utilize their skills.
    By collecting information on diverse phenomena in nature and society using the scientific method and analyzing it from a mathematical and scientific approach, students will be able to identify the characteristics of these phenomena.
    In Design Subjects, students will be able to visualize concepts and design, plan, and implement them in accordance with design methodologies.
    In Course Exercises Subjects, students will be able to create new designs that envision the future through the integration and logical assembly of concepts, knowledge, ideas, and methods of the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, information sciences, and artistic expression, without being bound by existing concepts.

  • 4 th year

    Cultivate the ability to envision and design the future

    In the Senior Projects and Internship Subjects, students will envision a better future with a rich imagination and deep insight and aim to realize it (social implementation) through design and practice.
    In the Transdisciplinary subjects, students will be able to discover, propose, and solve complex social issues through collaboration with different disciplines while comprehensively utilizing their specialized knowledge.

Faculty Members

Faculty members in
Name Position Field of Specialization
INOUE Shigeki Professor Human Centered Design
KOGA Toru Professor Philosophy, Ethics, Aesthetics,Fundamental Theory of Design
KONDO Kayoko Professor Environmental Policy, Environmental Economics, History of Social Thought
MARUYAMA Osamu Professor Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
MINATO Takehiko Professor Screenplay
NAKAMURA Mia Professor Cultural Policy, Arts Management, Arts and Care, Art-based Research
OGATA Yoshito Professor Industrial Design, Product Design, Science of Design, Design Method
HIRAMATSU Chihiro Associate Professor Visual Psychophysiology
INOUE Daisuke Associate Professor Biophysics, Micro-Nanotechnology, Material Chemistry
ITO Hiroshi Associate Professor Chronobiology, Nonlinear Dynamics
KURIYAMA Hitoshi Associate Professor Contemporary Art
MASUDA Nobuhiro Associate Professor Aesthetics, Theory of Image, History of Photography
NAGATSU Yuichiro Associate Professor Art Management
YUKI Madoka Associate Professor Theory of Images, History and Theory of Photography, Visual Cultural Studies
INAMURA Tokushu Assistant Professor Design Engineering
LOH Wei Leong Assistant Professor Design Education
SEKI Motohide Assistant Professor Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Sociology, Evolutionary Biology
YOKOYA Naho Assistant Professor Contemporary Art

Prospective Career

Students can expect to find employment in areas related to social design upon graduation. Specific examples of potential careers are: creators and design consultants involved in the creation of services, experiences, and systems; planners who create new types of value in lifestyle and product design; UX designers who implement service design for manufacturers; researchers and planners who conduct investigative analysis for manufacturers; data scientists who analyze social and biometric data at research institutes; public servants and administrators involved in policy design at the local and national level; and globally-minded managers. We also expect many students to pursue research careers by continuing their studies at graduate school.

Prospective Profession
Designers (experience/vision, etc.)
Creative directors
Data scientists (social data/biometrics, etc.)
Administrative officer
Art managers

Alumni Messages