[Report] MulSHIP Kick-off Symposium

The Multiverse Social & Human Innovation Project (MulSHIP) is a new research initiative at Kyushu University, focusing on developing designs and mechanisms that enable people to maintain their health and achieve various forms of well-being in a multiverse society, where virtual and real spaces merge.

The kick-off symposium for MulSHIP, a program adopted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) as part of its budget request, was held at Kyushu University’s Ohashi Campus on Saturday, December 21, 2024.
The symposium began with an opening address by Professor Akira Omoto, Dean of the Faculty of Design at Kyushu University. This was followed by Professor Shigekazu Higuchi, Director of MulSHIP, who provided an overview of the project and its objectives.
The keynote lecture, titled “Metaverse and Artificial Intelligence,” was delivered by Mr. Yoichiro Miyake, a game AI developer from Square Enix CO., LTD. His talk sparked a lively discussion, with many questions from participants that reflected their strong interest in and high expectations for the multiverse concept.
In addition to Mr. Miyake’s lecture, a panel discussion was held featuring Associate Professors Hiroyuki Matsuguma, Takayuki Nishimura, and Naoto Nakamura from the Faculty of Design. The discussion brought forth numerous ideas for future projects, such as the development of serious games leveraging the multiverse, establishing a foundation for applying VR technology, and researching behavioral changes in Non-Player Characters (NPCs).

With this symposium serving as its starting point, the project will now move forward in earnest. Looking ahead to a future multiverse-driven society, all project members are committed to achieving the anticipated outcomes.
