Release date:2023.03.01

Aiming for world-class skills - worked in game development in Japan, the Netherlands, and Spain

Game Product Monetization Consultant
- 2012 Graduated from the Department of Art and Information Design, School of Design
- Master of Art for digital culture, Art and media technology, HKU University of the Arts Utrecht
- 2011 - 2014 GREE, Inc. (GREE UK branch) joined after sutudent intern
- 2014 CoolGames HQ (Amsterdam, Netherland) Project Manger Japan~Senior Bussiness Maneger~Product Monetization Manger
- 2020 Gameloft (Barcelona, Spain) Product Monetization Manager
- 2022 - Present Freelance Game Product Monetization Consultant for European market
Related department, course
- Media Design Course(Undergraduate)
- Department of Art and Information Design
My current job
Now independent and based in Barcelona, I work as a consultant for several companies, mainly European firms, helping them develop their games. Games are all about providing "fun." But we cannot continue to operate a company with games that are only "fun" without monetization. My passion is to design a balance between "fun" and monetization. This is actually an important part of game design. I analyze data, listen to users, and design and release monetization elements. I love my job because I discover something new every day.
How I spent my student life
At the time, I honestly had no idea what I was interested in, and I entered the school. Even so, I was exposed to a wide range of knowledge in the Department of Art and Information Design, which gradually helped me find my own interests and direction Now, the broad range of knowledge I was exposed to back then is very useful in my profession as a product manager, which requires broad knowledge. I also had the opportunity to study abroad in the Netherlands as an exchange student in my third year of undergraduate studies, and I believe that my experience at Geiko was the starting point of my pursuit of working abroad!
Messages for prospective students
I think this school is friendly to those who, like me at the time, have a vague idea about their future career. Please discover your area of interest in a wide range of classes that you cannot find in any other schools. Also, I could go to study abroad, which would have been a hurdle for other faculties and universities, quite smoothly without having to repeat a year by taking advantage of the exchange program with the support of my supervisor at the time! By all means, try studying abroad while you're still a student!