Alumni Messages

Release date:2020.02.10

Researchers also work to design the relationship between science and people

MAEHARA Kazumitsu

Assistant Professor Medical Institute of Bioregulation Kyushu University

  • 2006 Graduate from the Department of Industrial Design, School of Design
  • 2008 Completed the Master's Program at the Department of Design, Graduate School of Design
  • 2013 Completed the Doctoral Program in the Human Science Course at the Department of Design, Graduate School of Design
  • 2013 - 2016: Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Medical Science Kyushu University
  • 2016 - Present: Assistant Professor Medical Institute of Bioregulation Kyushu University
Related department, course
  • Industrial Design Course(Undergraduate)
  • Human Life Design and Science Course(Graduate)
  • Human Science Course
  • Department of Industrial Design

My current job

Technologies for the measurement of genes and proteins in cells has been developing rapidly in recent years. Making full use of the large volumes of measurement data generated there, we are studying daily how stem cells with the same genetic information choose their fate of differentiating into muscles or nerves. I myself support the activities of the research team using mathematics and computer-based data analysis techniques. Since I am a researcher, my work not only involves writing papers, but also obtaining research funding and general laboratory operations.

How I spent my student life

At that time I had an interest in electronic music, and from a vague vision of the future that it would be cool if I could master computers and mathematics, I studied under a professor of statistics, professor Toshio Sakata. I remember thinking how happy I would be if I could research freely like my professor, and I often remember the back of my teacher innocently grappling with the whiteboard. I can hardly say that I have lived an exemplary student life, but it is true that all the stopovers and detours have connected directly to my work today.

Message for prospective students

GEIKO are filled with many fascinating stopovers and detours that I never imagined upon entering school. Above all, the most important thing I found studying at GEIKO is that all human creative activities, be they object or concept, can be called design. By using the information technology and mathematical sciences to transform a complex object like life into a form easy for humans to understand and convey it, I would like to put into practice the humanization of technology in my own way.