Alumni Messages

Release date:2020.02.10

Designs for the society we live in


Hitachi Europe Ltd. Experience Design Lab Design consultant

  • 2009 Graduated from the Department of Industrial Design, School of Design
  • 2009 Hitachi Ltd. Design division, Designer
  • 2019 Hitachi Europe Ltd. Experience Design Lab, Design Consultant
Related department, course
  • Industrial Design Course(Undergraduate)
  • Department of Industrial Design

My current job

As a design consultant, I design railway-related services in London, UK. Operating railways requires a wide variety of systems and manpower. My job is to design smartphone applications and business systems used by station staff in order to realize an optimal relationship between people and systems.

How I spent my student life

In my graduation project, I designed a bag for storing dead bodies during disasters. In the event of a disaster, dead bodies encased in plastic bags make the scene even more tragic. As such, as a mark of compassion for the bereaved families and in order to respect the dignity of the deceased, I created something using "origata," a traditional Japanese folding technique. It was a highly sensitive topic, but I took home Japan's top prize for this graduation project. Being able to realize the joy and necessity of solving problems with design by tackling overlooked issues, makes for valuable experience relating to my present work.

Message for prospective students

I was very anxious as I didn't receive any artistic training in high school. However, while continuing to find and solve problems by using design along with my classmates as well as people from inside and outside of school, I became so absorbed in the world of design that I even forgot my anxieties. First, try believing fearlessly in your interests and passions. A wonderful environment and experiences that enable this await you at GEIKO.