Release date:2023.03.01
Developing technology for people living with disabilities
ONO Asuka
NTT Human Informatics Laboratories
- 2016 Graduated from the Department of Acoustic Design, School of Design
- 2018 Finished the Master's Program in the Human Science Course at the Department of Design, Graduate School of Design
- 2018 NTT Service Evolution Laboratories, Researcher
- 〇〇- Present Researcher, NTT Human Informatics Laboratories
Related department, course
- Acoustic Design Course(Undergraduate)
- Acoustic Design Course(Graduate)
- Human Science Course
- Department of Acoustic Design
My current job
I investigate what people are having trouble with and develop new technologies to solve their problems. I have been working to develop technologies that supplement verbal communication with tactile sensation for people with hearing disabilities and technologies that aid memory and concentration with sound and images for people with dementia. I feel that I have inherited Geiko's philosophy in that I work with the awareness of not just looking at technology but wanting to develop products by carefully considering the people who will use the technology.
How I spent my student life
I took all kinds of classes, both within and outside of Geiko, and tried to achieve the odd goal of seeing how many credits I could earn. Of course, it was good that I learned many things and increased my knowledge, but more than anything, I realized that Geiko is very receptive to eccentrics as I looked at the characteristics of various people. Everyone at Geiko was trying something different from others, and eccentricity was more of a compliment. Hence, I could try weird things without hesitation.
Messages for prospective students
Skills and knowledge can be relearned anytime and anywhere, but I feel that the values not bound by common sense, cultivated in an environment where it is easy to try "different" and "eccentric" things, have given me more freedom of thought and choice in many aspects of my life since then. Geiko has such a valuable environment.