Messages from Current Students

Release date:2024.03.22

You can do it!

LEE Yunkyu

Strategic Design Course(Graduate)
  • Graduated from Seoul Baemun High School/
  • Graduated from Yong In University/
  • Finished the Master's Program at the Graduate School of Kookmin University/
  • Entered the Doctoral Program at the Department of Design, Graduate School of Design, Kyushu University in 2022/
Related department, course
  • Strategic Design Course (Graduate)

The reason why I chose the Graduate School of Design

It's because there are specialists in the fields or disciplines I want to learn. Particularly, the professors with a diverse range of academic and practical experience in the field of inclusive design were the main reason for my choice of this graduate school. Furthermore, Kyushu University is a university with a rich tradition, and among its disciplines, design is highly renowned. In addition, the independent Ohashi Campus offers a great environment for concentrating on academics.

My most memorable class

It would be the 'Lean Startup' class that I took recently. I have about 10 years of experience working in a design company, and I am quite confident in my abilities. However, through the 'Lean Startup,’ I recognized my shortcomings and realized that I could create a more innovative and potentially successful business model. Above all, it was enjoyable to gather students from various disciplines to form a team and work towards solving problems for a common objective.

My student life

I commute to the Ohashi Campus Building 1 every day. Every morning, I take in the sight of lush green trees and birds playing around. My daily life varies a bit, but one thing remains constant - receiving bright greetings from international students from all over the world. Starting my day exchanging greetings with friends from overseas deepens my immersion in my research.

Message to prospective students

Are you hesitating about studying abroad? Or are you concerned about living overseas? We are still young, so I recommend taking on challenges with anticipation rather than worry. At the campus of the Graduate School of Design at Kyushu University, there are many international students just like you, who came from abroad. Moreover, the campus is surrounded by rich greenery, providing a comforting environment. I want you, too, to experience this, and I am here to cheer on your endeavor.