Work that brings freedom on the move class of 2017 HIROMI Rei DENSO TEN limited. Innovation development center Acoustic Design Course (Undergraduate)Content and Creative Design Course
Achieving a sound environment that is close to your daily life class of 2015 GOTO Kosuke Takenaka Corporation Research & Development Institute Department of Acoustic DesignCommunication Design Science Course
Putting "love" into work. class of 2019 NAGAYASU Hanae T-ARTS Company, Ltd. Department of Industrial Design
Creating an optimal development environment from an artist's unique perspective class of 2003 MITO Yuki LEVEL-5 Inc. Department of Visual Communication Design
Researchers also work to design the relationship between science and people class of 2006 MAEHARA Kazumitsu Assistant Professor Medical Institute of Bioregulation Kyushu University Department of Industrial DesignHuman Science Course
Research on the forms of dwellings that intertwine relationships between people class of 2014 SHIRAISHI Rei Assistant Professor Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation Yamaguchi University Department of Environmental DesignDepartment of Design Strategy
Designing architecture and urban space in France and Japan class of 2007 KUMA Shohei KUMA & ELSA Department of Environmental Design
Let's create a new era with air! Craftsmanship that makes people happy using ideas that don't fit the mold. class of 2014 OTSUKA Yuki Daikin Industries,Itd TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION CENTER Department of Industrial DesignHuman Science Course
I wish to design both things and concepts to create a richness of life class of 2013 TAKIGUCHI Shinichi Designer, Design Center Connected Solutions Company Panasonic Corporation Department of Industrial DesignDepartment of Design Strategy
Practicing human-centered design education from various viewpoints class of 2003 FUMOTO Koichiro Lecturer, Faculty of Global and Science Studies, Yamaguchi University Department of Industrial DesignDepartment of Design, Graduate School of Design
Designs for the society we live in class of 2009 FUKUMARU Ryo Hitachi Europe Ltd. Experience Design Lab Design consultant Department of Industrial Design
Design taught me the true value of learning class of 2016 MOCHIZUKI Marika Honda R&D Co., Ltd., Design Center, Advance Design Division Department of Industrial Design